
Coplexia advocates hybrid working from modern workplaces in major cities as well as raural areas all around the world.

Send us your Request for Proposal (RFP)

Coplexia Consulting creates collaborative partnerships under ISIC code 99000 extraterritorial organisation structures to accelerate, improve and sustain transformational change initiatives.

Our collaborative operating-model aligns people, platforms and processes across boundaries into a single integrated organisation supported by our Collaborative-Business Readiness Assurance (Co-BRA) consultants and quality management systems. This enables collaborative innovation in the design of solutions to complex problems, and in delivering faster results that last.

Discover how we help control the complexities of collaboration. Send us your Request For Proposal (RFP) below.

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Public Notice

For enquiries relating to Bluetts Solicitors formally at offices in Ealing, Brentford and Uxbridge, please call: –

+44 (0) 203 916 5445

With the advent of the Legal Services Continuum programme, Coplexia reported the malpractices of the former principal of Forman Welch & Bellamys (FWB) Solicitors, Peter Mark Arnstein, to the regulator and later police, some details of which are available at  For successor enquiries relating to the closed solicitors practices of DevainsBellamys, Stollard & Limbrey, Forman Welch & Company or Forman Welch & Bellamys (FWB) Solicitors formally at offices in Richmond and Twickenham, please call: –

+44 (0) 203 916 5995