Our Collaboration Models



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Major transformation programmes, delivered 70% faster through multi-supplier partnerships.



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Continuous improvement programmes across interconnected professional practice partnerships.



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Longterm societal change through sustainable programmes based on cross-community partnerships.

Your Collaborating Cohorts

The greater the importance of any initiative, the wider is the spectrum of people and organisations required for the initiative to succeed–yet more than half of strategic programmes are failing to meet desired outcomes on time, in budget or at all.

Success requires intimate working relationships across interdepartmental and business-to-business collaboration chains. The best organisations can do this seamlessly.

We’ll work with you to buildup the capabilities of your people, platforms and processes to cooperate across your digitally-connected collaboration chains. Here’s how –

Our Core Capabilities

  1. Coplexia Consulting

    Change & transformation consulting with the ‘snake peel’ effect.

    Coplexia Management Consultants are Collaborative-Business Readiness Assurance (Co-BRA) experts. They strive to help C-level Executives and their leadership teams to innovate collaborative programmes that reimagine, revitalise and reinvigorate some of their most strategically important initiatives.

    They include seasoned professionals with deep industry knowledge, working with innovative thought-leaders and futurists, to deliver a suite of Co-BRA projects that align people, platforms and processes to shared visions of success—right across internal and business-to-business (B2B) collaboration chains.

  2. Coplexia Counsel

    Over 100 legal experts through a connected league of lawyers and law firms.

    Coplexia Counsel is a league of lawyers and law firms providing legal advice, products and services from across our Legal Services Continuum (LSC) programme. They work together as #VirtuallyOne firm under the trading styles of Fairchild Greig and Lexia Law.

    Often working as part of multidisciplinary teams, Copelxia Counsel members advise on the broadest spectrum of collaboration challenges—from HR, Tupe and IR35 considerations to international business visas, anti-money laundering regulations, and cross-border Trading Partner Agreements for global supply-chain optimisation work.

  3. Coplexia Cloud

    Common collaborative-computing capabilities across corporate firewalls.

    Coplexia Cloud Services Integration & Management (SIAM) capabilities help Chief Information, ‘Technology and ‘Security Officers to save money and drive overall business value by connecting cohorts to a common collaborative-computing environment that extends beyond their immediate corporate firewalls.

    The cohort connection service includes domain and user credential management for carefully coordinated access a VirtualGRID of cloud and computing services, with bring-your-own-device (BYOD) and ‘work anywhere’ capabilities built-in to common standards.

  4. Coplexia Controls

    Common quality control systems across connected collaboration-chains.

    Coplexia Controls helps Chief Operations Officers avoid expensive organisational restructuring, complicated matrix management, duplication and waste by adopting a common set of quality management systems (QMS) to ensure co-operational excellence across digitally connected collaboration-chains.

    These include cross-functional processes in Supply-Chain Management (SCM), the Programme Management Office (PMO), Operational Support Service (OSS) delivery and Customer Relationship Management (CRM), enabling multidisciplinary teams to work together in #VirtuallyOne workspace.

  5. Coplexia Commercial

    Corporate banking and cashiering capabilities for collaborating cohorts.

    Coplexia Commercial helps Chief Finance Officers (CFOs), accounts, compliance and financial administration teams comply with legal regulatory requirements right across connected collaboration chains.

    As trusted custodian of programme budgets, Coplexia Commercial has a proven capability to account for multiple billions in banking transactions per year, as well as assisting Compliance Officers for Finance & Administration (COFAs) with audit, advisory, cashiering and support services to Solicitor Regulation Authority (SRA) standards.

  6. Coplexia Creative

    Creative communication for successful stakeholder community engagements.

    Coplexia Creative helps Chief Marketing Officers engage internal and external stakeholder communities with compelling campaigns to create a sense of inclusion and a desire to participate in transformational programmes.

    Fusing time proven incentives marketing & loyalty programmes with emergent best-practice in direct, digital & social media marketing into programme-wide communication plans, fostering collaborative innovation with creative flair.

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